About Angelica

About AngelicaAbout Angelica

Hello! My name is Angelica and I am super excited to join the amazing team of women and be an All IN by Teddi Accountability Coach. I am a single mother to three amazing daughters (ages 20, 16 & 10).

As far back as I can remember, I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food. I would constantly turn to food for comfort when I was bored or completely stressed out. After having my third daughter, I could no longer lose weight as easily or quickly as I did with my first two. In fact, I started to gain pound after pound, and basically gave up on myself and trying to lose weight. I had tried every fad diet out there and nothing seemed to work for me.

I heard about Teddi’s accountability coaching through my best friend and inquired through the website. After receiving the program information, I sat on it for an entire month before finally committing. Initially, I was thrilled to join and lose a few pounds. In my mind, I thought if I could lose just 10 pounds, I would be happy!!! Little did I know that what started as an attempt to lose weight, would turn into a journey and lifestyle of self-LOVE, positive thinking and self-WORTH. Since starting the program, and with a tremendous amount of commitment and hard work, I’ve lost over 33 pounds and my confidence and quality of life has never been better!

Most importantly, I now have a healthy relationship with food and I love that I’ve been able to set the example that it’s never too late to change your life. I can’t wait to cheer you on as your journey unfolds. And remember, YOU are WORTH IT!!! xoxo

About Angelica