About Shantay

Hi, I am Shantay and I am beyond excited to be a part of the ALL IN tribe.
I work in the finance industry and have for 12 years. I have never led an active lifestyle and have always held a sedentary job. Starting at age 18 I began trying to find a quick fix. I tried many fad diets and always played the yo-yo game with my weight. I was never happy with my body, which eventually led to a lot of confidence issues that spilled over into other areas of my life. Fast forward to my 31st birthday. I had graduated college, I had two gorgeous babies, and had married a great man. I was living an amazing life but still I was not comfortable in my own skin. I felt like I was a spectator in my own story, and life was passing me by.
I began my postpartum ALL IN journey on March 23rd, 2020. It was at the beginning of the COVID pandemic and stress levels were high. With the ALL IN program, I had something positive to focus my energy on. I had a tribe of women building me up and getting me through the hard days. During my time on the program, sure I lost weight, but I also found a strong, confident woman inside of me that I never knew existed. I made a promise to myself that I would never let that version of me go. I show up for myself each and every day so that I can be the best woman, mom, and wife I can be.
I can not wait to join you on your journey to find yourself and will be there to support you every step of the way!